RedLife KIDS
We love kids at RedLife Church! We want Sunday mornings to be a highlight of your kids’ lives each and every week.
We love kids at RedLife Church! We want Sunday mornings to be a highlight of your kids’ lives each and every week.
REDLIFE doesn’t have a youth group. WE ARE A YOUTH GROUP.
RedLife Church began in 2012 when our lead pastor, Justin Bradley, felt an incredible draw to start a new type of church in his high school hometown of Brookville, IN called Redemption Life Church, or RedLife for short…
From planning your first visit to being baptized…and all the steps in between. We are with you on the journey.
Find YOUR place to make this Sunday someone’s One DAY.
Whether you’re responding to a Sunday morning message from the building, or it’s midnight at home on YouTube, or a friend has been talking with you about their faith…JESUS IS READY TO WELCOME YOU HOME. Watch the video, pray with us, and hit the A-B-C button below to get connected.
Whether this is your first Sunday or you’ve been coming a while, and are just getting around to connecting, WE ARE GLAD YOU’RE HERE and are thrilled to be with you on your journey!
However you are worshipping YOU ARE PART OF THE FAMILY!!!.
Join on FaceBook
Join on YouTube
Look for other ways to grow digitally as well (like the RedLife Growth Track Online) as we continue to post encouraging content and look for ways to serve you and build the kingdom in person and online.
One of the most important things you can do to learn about Jesus is to READ HIS WORD!
Click here for regular reading plans that go along with our various message series. You can click the scripture link to go right to the text in the YouVersion Bible App, or open up your physical Bible.
Whatever works best for you…
Tuesdays starting 4/1/25 thru 6/24/25
Click HERE for more info on Divorce Care
Questions? Email